Monday, April 30, 2012

Water Babies

Adam and Ashley went for their first swim on Sunday at the Greater Boston JCC.  Adam was mellow the entire time.  Ashley wasn't terribly thrilled with this new sport.  The pool was cold so she had a valid point.  MLM is prepared to solve that problem next week.  You'll have to tune in to discover the solution.

Thanks to Grandma Carole and Papa Marty for taking the photos.  It was a hard task.  The instructor had us moving around quite a bit to get the babies comfortable in the water, so it was difficult to get a clear photo.  Below are the best of the bunch.  Enjoy!

Sunday, April 29, 2012


Once a year Daddy finds it necessary to test his spatial skills and the structural/mechanical integrity of at least one car.  Yesterday was the day! 

No car seats were involved in this fantastic feat.  The A-team remained safely at home with Ana.  Smart kids!

Friday, April 27, 2012

Bouncing Babies

Give Ashley and Adam exersaucers to use and they are two happy babies.  We think Ashley might enter a high jump contest one day.  Adam, on the other hand, seems to be happy going in circles.  We're thrilled by their progress!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Occasionally Adam or Ashley teethe on MLM's finger.  It's starting to hurt.  Why?  It took a few tries to capture it in a photo, but if you look closely you can see Ashley's first two teeth:
Not quick enough Mommy!
Tee hee!  I'm playing with you!
Here are my teeth but I won't sit still for the photo.
Adam has teeth too.  We've felt them.  He just refuses to show them to us until he's good and ready.  Not that we didn't try....

Tried a direct approach.  No.
Maybe sneak in from the side?  No.
Hovering overhead?  No.  "I'm too smart for you Mommy!"

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Baba in Boston

Baba Zhenya and Dede Dima came for an extended visit last week.  Dede was very busy helping Daddy in the basement.  Baba Zhenya was available for a photoshoot.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Out for a Stroll

Met up with cousins Victoria and Oliver a few days ago at the Stone Zoo.  While Victoria and Oliver were playing with the porcupines, MLM snapped shots of Adam and Ashley.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Sitting by the Shore

The weather was beautiful this week.  MLM and the A-team cruised up the coast to Beverly and sat under a big pine tree.  With a beautiful breeze blowing, it definitely didn't feel like it was 90 degrees!

The view from our tree
Little Ladybug
Great hat Mom.  Next time please give me a matching shirt.
Busy playing.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Sip not Slurp

In a world teeming with Tiger Parents armed with Instagram and Photoshop, one might be tempted to believe we doctored the photos of Adam and Ashley using straws.  To disprove this notion, here's the documentary showing how we sipped, not slurped, the water through a straw. 

Yes, it's technically true that we could doctor the video too.  But with twins, who the heck has time to do that????

Monday, April 16, 2012

Bagged a Baby

"Cat in the Hat" look provided as a courtesy by Papa Marty.  He put the bag on MLM's head to see what the A-team would make of the hijinks.  MLM thought it was a hoot to try it on Adam and Ashley.  At least they're good sports about it.

Sunday, April 15, 2012


When we were visiting NY, Lambie voluntarily stepped between Adam and Ashley.  A brave poodle, considering how Ashley loves to grab a handful of hair and yank away.  Ashley subjected Lambie to this twice, one of which we caught on camera (see below). 

Before we left, we took one final photo with Grandma Carole and Papa Marty.

After we left NY, we're pretty sure Mystic Lake Grandma heavily rewarded Lambie for her heroics.

Saturday, April 14, 2012


We don't need bottles.  We're big kids now.

Finally!  Something other than formula.

This isn't formula.  I don't like it.
Spill it now Ashley!  Mommy isn't looking.
A pool of water!  Where should I put my hands first?

Friday, April 13, 2012

Adam's First Haircut

For those of you who frequently check the blog, you'll notice that Adam's bouffant disappeared from the last few posts.  When we visited our families in NY,  MLM decided it was time for a haircut. 

the "before" shot
the first cut
What is she doing to me?
Maybe this isn't so bad.
Apron tastes pretty good too.
I like what I'm seeing!
Almost finished....
I am one good lookin' guy!
Ashley was very patient with this errand;  she played happily with Jacques the Peacock while Adam was in the chair.  Thanks to MLG (Mystic Lake Grandma) for taking such beautiful photos!

Thursday, April 12, 2012


Last week we visited our families in NY to celebrate Passover.  Adam (sporting his new 'do) and Ashley sat patiently in their high chairs while Papa Marty led the meal one night and Crafty Auntie Carolyn led the second evening. We'll have more photos soon from our cousins.

Happy Passover!

Hey Adam, I hear that there's a big story before we eat.  Is that true?

Adam:  Yes, it is.  Ashley:  Then I'm getting outta here!

This dress tastes like a kosher for Passover cake.  Yuck!

Posing with cousins Frannie and Alex

Adam:  What is this thing on my head?  It's going to mess up my hair!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Month Eight

Ana and MLM tried to take an inspiring photo of Adam and Ashley in fancy clothes.

What's this on your head?

Didn't work.  So Ana and MLM tried to take a decent photo of Adam and Ashley in fancy clothes.

Adam does the Lindy Hop with his bear.  Ashley fans her dress waiting to dance.
Bears went a-flyin'.  Undeterred, Ana and MLM tried to take a nice photo of Adam and Ashley in decent clothes.

He's eating the bear's foot.  Am I next?

Well, you see where this is going.  Ana and MLM settled on a series of funny photos of Adam and Ashley in clothing.  Eight months is a tough age to photograph!

This is as good as it gets!