Friday, April 13, 2012

Adam's First Haircut

For those of you who frequently check the blog, you'll notice that Adam's bouffant disappeared from the last few posts.  When we visited our families in NY,  MLM decided it was time for a haircut. 

the "before" shot
the first cut
What is she doing to me?
Maybe this isn't so bad.
Apron tastes pretty good too.
I like what I'm seeing!
Almost finished....
I am one good lookin' guy!
Ashley was very patient with this errand;  she played happily with Jacques the Peacock while Adam was in the chair.  Thanks to MLG (Mystic Lake Grandma) for taking such beautiful photos!


  1. Really sharp, Adam! It was easy taking pictures of you because you had such a good time at Tiny Trims in Nanuet. And Ashley was very cooperative. Do you think she was afraid we'd discover her and cut her hair, too?

  2. He looks like he enjoyed the haircut!
