Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Month Eight

Ana and MLM tried to take an inspiring photo of Adam and Ashley in fancy clothes.

What's this on your head?

Didn't work.  So Ana and MLM tried to take a decent photo of Adam and Ashley in fancy clothes.

Adam does the Lindy Hop with his bear.  Ashley fans her dress waiting to dance.
Bears went a-flyin'.  Undeterred, Ana and MLM tried to take a nice photo of Adam and Ashley in decent clothes.

He's eating the bear's foot.  Am I next?

Well, you see where this is going.  Ana and MLM settled on a series of funny photos of Adam and Ashley in clothing.  Eight months is a tough age to photograph!

This is as good as it gets!

1 comment:

  1. Cannot believe it is 8 months already!
