Thursday, August 22, 2013

Cruise Nights

It was Cruise Night at Bear Mountain State Park and we couldn't resist.  Although it was happening at the same time as bedtime, MLM and MLD threw caution to the wind and stuffed A+A into backpacks.  The focus of the night was on older cars, but plenty of people complimented us on the citizen's sleek mode of transportation.

The photos we took don't really do it justice.  We saw a Soviet Lada, a Budweiser beer truck (complete with a tap, a 1960's era NYC police car, Ferraris, Lotuses, a Nissan GTR, Mustangs, Corvettes, Camaros, a Karmenn Ghia, and some specialty kit cars.  It was incredible.  The loudspeakers blared music from the 1950's and 60's.

Ashley bopped along to the music, preferring Elvis and the Beatles.  At least that's when she danced the most it seemed.

Adam cried when we told him he could not sit in the '93 burgundy Corvette and take it for a spin.  Honestly.  He pointed to that car -- of all the cars there -- and clearly wanted to go for a ride.  

All in all, it was a fun night!

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