Tuesday, August 20, 2013

I See London, I See France...

... I see MLM's underpants!

Not exactly.  But according to gardening wisdom found on the Internet, the best way to support melons growing on a trellis is to use pantyhose.  Kid you not.  So since I hardly wear dresses anyway, it seemed like a good idea to finally put all of my pantyhose to daily use.  And it makes for one funny blog post, even if it's not related to the A-Team.

We'll see if this works.  If it does, then you'll see a post of the citizens eating cantaloupe. Although recently we've experienced some gardening setbacks:  some sort of rabbit/squirrel/chipmunk/munching creature recently decimated both of my broccoli plants and demolished a large portion of my brussel sprouts.  Hopefully this same critter doesn't enjoy cantaloupe or watermelon. Wish me luck!

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