Thursday, October 23, 2014

Topsfield Is Tops, Part #1

Karla and I took the citizens to see the Topsfield Fair, the oldest agricultural fair in the States.  There was so much to see, learn and eat, that I'm going to separate our visit into 3 posts:  Education, Entertainment, and Eating (because I always work food into this blog).

Today's spotlight:  Education

We waited patiently in line to pet bunny rabbits:

Feed the ducks:

And stand next to the winner of this year's Big Pumpkin Contest:

And if you're wondering, yes, the pumpkin is displayed in a temperature controlled environment, with better air quality than we experienced in other areas of the farm (I'm referring to the Cow Barn and Sheep Area in particular, ha!).

Tomorrow's post?  Entertainment!

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