Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Ballet Saturdays

The magical age of 4 brings so much with it including weekend activities.  Ashley has campaigned for ballet lessons for over 4 months, so with the start of fall, our little ballerina is overjoyed when it's a Saturday:

And she showed me her plie skills:

I sat patiently in the small waiting area, caught up with a neighbor, and managed to catch a quick clip through a window, which is why you hear parents chatting and no music.  Ashley's verdict when they emerged from the class?  It's great but it's not real ballet!  They played with scarves, hula hoops and other toys.  Ashley was hoping to improve her plie skills.  Maybe this weekend?  

Hint:  Look for the girl in pink.  OK, that wasn't helpful.  Look for the girl in pink to the left of your screen with "Anna" braids.  And quit'sher laughing.  Those were the best French braids I could muster on a squirmy kid!

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