Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Soccer Sundays

About six months after A+A were born, their Aunt informed me that soccer was key to meeting other kids before kindergarten.  This would secure life long friendships and be the general secret to happiness in the public school district.

So I did my duty.  I signed the kids up.  Although it was drizzling and chilly, A+A valiantly marched on to the field, ready to become the newest Soccer Stars on their team.

What happened?  The photos tell one story:
Ooof!  Shin guards.  Gotta get 'em.
Watch out big guy, here I come!
The videos tell another.  Look for Adam in the yellow jacket.  Ashley is in a pink jacket, no hood.  They're working on basic skills...

Best we can do is brew up some coffee, throw it into travel mugs, pack a portable chair or two, sit back and enjoy the entertainment.

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