Monday, June 12, 2017

Tween in Training

Visit to the salon?  Check.
Manicure completed?  Yup. (Thanks Baba!)
So what's a girl to do next?
"I want to go shopping!" chirps Ashley.

I promise I am not making this up.  We finished the haircuts and went across the street to Whole Foods to reward the clan with some gelato at Whole Foods in exchange for peacefully (mostly) getting their hair cut.

As we're leaving the store, Ashley announced her intentions.  Wha? Well, her nails looked good, her hair looked great, and she wasn't ready to go home yet.  So what did she want to buy?  "Fruits and vegetables!"

As Papa Marty might say, "Ahh, you people from Massachusetts.  A bit different!"

For the record, she's decided to try mushrooms and eggplant.  And she also picked out a lovely red cabbage (no dressing!), an avocado and a pineapple.  Quite the adventurous shopper!

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