Thursday, February 28, 2019

"Honiku" by Adam

Some samples of Adam's writing were sent home last week.  Not only does this show his writing skills, but it also highlights his artistic skills (note the drawings at the top of each page) and what he learns on Sundays.  Watching your kid put all of the pieces together is just priceless.  It's hard for even the adults to spell some of the Hebrew words. Best thing to do is to read each image closely and then check the spellings in the captions below.

Hanukkah is a Jewish holiday.  The first Hanukkah was about 2,000 years ago.  Hanukkah lasts 8 nights.

Title:  "The Game 'Dratl' [dreidel]"
A dreidel is a spinning top tha has 4 sides. Each side has a Hebrew letter on it.  The letters are Nun, Gimmel, Hay and Shin.  They stand for this: 'A great miracle happened there."  It happened in Israel.
[MLM's note: Adam added the correct Hebrew letter written in block form next to each written out letter sound.  Thats my kid!]

Title:  "What you need"
You need candles, dreidels, gelt, matches and do not forget the menorah!  One menorah can hold 9 candles.  And gelt is chocolate coins.  The wrapping is gold or silver or bronze.

Title:  "The Hanukkah Story"
Hanukkah  started by war.  Many people died.  But before the war, all Jewish people had to bow down to Greek idols.  If they did not they were killed.  After the war their synagogue was full of garbage.

But the Jewish people rebuily the synagogue and when it came time to light the lamp they only found a jar of pure oil only enough for ...

... one night but it lasted 8 nights!  That is why Hanukkah started.

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