Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Three Months

Time flies when you're an adult.  Not so when you're a kid.  After all, Noah is now 30% older than he was a month ago.  That's a lot o' growin' to do in a short time.

He's cheerful, smiley, and a joy!

Hooray!  This is the month I get to each chocolate!

Where's my bib?  I'm ready!

See?  Wide open mouth!

Doin' the "happy food" dance right now.

Hey Dog, I can almost taste the chocolate now... too bad you can't have any because you're a dog.

Oh no.  Mommy says I have to wait a long time for chocolate.

That's OK!  I hear I'm eating wheat cereal, mushy peas and boiled carrots next month.

Whaddya think?  Does that stuff grow in the backyard?

I can't wait to eat something mushy!

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