Monday, May 25, 2020

The 1980's are calling

Anyone alive in the 1980's will remember when suburban homes with 2+ children often had two phone numbers.

Why?  This question is for the benefit of anyone born post-1982.

Because there was no call waiting, cell phone, email, or text message.  There was this annoying noise called a "busy signal".  It meant that someone else was on the phone and you could not get your call through.

Two phones meant there was often one line free and therefore, one call could always get through.

This became fun when one was old enough to realize that you could make plans with people by talking to one friend on one phone and another friend on the other phone at the same time!

We had something like this going the other day when our grandparents couldn't get the microphone on their computer to work:

Tee hee hee!

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