Thursday, August 6, 2020

Homeschooling, Lesson #43: Weights and Measures (AKA "The Quarantine 15")

The rest of the world caught on to what we've already been doing around here for years: baking!  All of a sudden, I couldn't get yeast for my challah.  Couldn't find flour for our pizzas.  Nothing on the shelves!  

Thanks to Uncle E and a phone call to a local restaurant supplier, we were back in business!  Today's post is a partial review highlighting some of what contributed to the Quarantine Fifteen that have become my new waist and hips.

First up:  King Arthur Sourdough English Muffins 
verdict:  Mr Thomas, you should take a lesson from King Arthur.  We may not purchase your nooks and crannies as often in the future now that we know how to make these!

verdict:  getting better

Apple Dutch Baby
verdict: OK, so it's deflated and not so attractive in the photo, but the kids love it. Who knew this could be such an easy breakfast to assemble???

Colorful challah
verdict: never (did I say never?  good, because I meant it!) never again
I had blue food dye on my hands for a few days.  This was the biggest self-inflicted P.I.T.A I've had in the kitchen in a loooooooong time.  Kids liked it because it turned their teeth all sorts of fun colors!

verdict:  Pandemic 2020 showed me I was neither kneading nor rising long enough.  Now that we're home for extended periods of time, it's easier to let the dough hang out for longer than I think it needs to... and it's tasting better!  Lookin' pretty good too, if I do say so m'self.


Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Bounty of Knowledge

Ahh... what they teach in school, but at home (remotely) these days:

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Masked Madmen

Watch out for the masked madmen running around the driveway! That's what it sounded and looked like during the "early days" of the stay at home orders.

Monday, August 3, 2020

A Different Form of Quarantine

Poor Mr T.  This is the second year in a row that he has suffered from springtime allergies.  

This year he would scream "Pollen!" anytime someone opened the door.  It was almost like he wanted to thank Gov Baker personally for ordering everyone to stay at home.

Once the weather perked up, it was harder to stay inside, so Mr. T got smart. Inspired by the masks everyone was wearing, he asked for a pair of swim goggles.  Together, this would keep the pollen away from his eyes, nose and mouth!

He was quite the sight around the neighborhood, but I gave him lots of credit for coming up with a creative way to beat the springtime sniffles.  

Saturday, August 1, 2020

Homeschooling Lesson #42: Structures

Duplo towers in all forms have been seen cropping up in our neighborhood over the past few months.  Here are some of our favorite photos from the past few months.  

Look closely!  Not only are our skills getting stronger, but our hair is getting longer.