Monday, August 3, 2020

A Different Form of Quarantine

Poor Mr T.  This is the second year in a row that he has suffered from springtime allergies.  

This year he would scream "Pollen!" anytime someone opened the door.  It was almost like he wanted to thank Gov Baker personally for ordering everyone to stay at home.

Once the weather perked up, it was harder to stay inside, so Mr. T got smart. Inspired by the masks everyone was wearing, he asked for a pair of swim goggles.  Together, this would keep the pollen away from his eyes, nose and mouth!

He was quite the sight around the neighborhood, but I gave him lots of credit for coming up with a creative way to beat the springtime sniffles.  

1 comment:

  1. Even though it was said that this year was the worst pollen ever, I was fine in my mask. I think I will continue to wear it in years to come. It made such a difference.
