Thursday, August 6, 2020

Homeschooling, Lesson #43: Weights and Measures (AKA "The Quarantine 15")

The rest of the world caught on to what we've already been doing around here for years: baking!  All of a sudden, I couldn't get yeast for my challah.  Couldn't find flour for our pizzas.  Nothing on the shelves!  

Thanks to Uncle E and a phone call to a local restaurant supplier, we were back in business!  Today's post is a partial review highlighting some of what contributed to the Quarantine Fifteen that have become my new waist and hips.

First up:  King Arthur Sourdough English Muffins 
verdict:  Mr Thomas, you should take a lesson from King Arthur.  We may not purchase your nooks and crannies as often in the future now that we know how to make these!

verdict:  getting better

Apple Dutch Baby
verdict: OK, so it's deflated and not so attractive in the photo, but the kids love it. Who knew this could be such an easy breakfast to assemble???

Colorful challah
verdict: never (did I say never?  good, because I meant it!) never again
I had blue food dye on my hands for a few days.  This was the biggest self-inflicted P.I.T.A I've had in the kitchen in a loooooooong time.  Kids liked it because it turned their teeth all sorts of fun colors!

verdict:  Pandemic 2020 showed me I was neither kneading nor rising long enough.  Now that we're home for extended periods of time, it's easier to let the dough hang out for longer than I think it needs to... and it's tasting better!  Lookin' pretty good too, if I do say so m'self.


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