Saturday, October 31, 2020

Friday, October 30, 2020

Climber Strikes Again

Goodness gracious!  He's at it again!

While we've always joked about this kid becoming a dentist, now I'm wondering if there's a future for him in free soloing

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Camp Mystic Lake: Final Farewell

Camp is officially over when friends leave for their far-flung destinations.

Well, we had that too at Camp Mystic Lake.  Nicole, our au pair, took off at the end of August for the next stop on her US adventure.  She is now an au pair with a new family, close to the Rocky Mountains.

Much like at a real sleepaway camp, a final festive meal was cooked and tears were cried.  We have also promised to stay in touch, and I know we will!

Nicole came into our home and hearts at a difficult time. She helped us get back on track and back into life again.  For that, we are forever thankful to her.

Wherever you go Nicole, may love, health and happiness follow!

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Camp Mystic Lake: Wrapping Up

It would take too long to show you all the excitement from the summer - it's the end of October already! As a way to give an overview of all the team experienced this summer, here are the posters they woke up to each Monday morning.  It was fun to see the expressions on their faces each Monday, wondering what they would find when they walked down the stairs.

Theme Weeks

Then we had special days sprinkled in to keep everyone's interest piqued:

More than once I wished I was a camper or even a counselor again!

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Camp Mystic Lake: Intercamp Games

OK, this one is a bit of a stretch, I'll admit.  Our original plans to have a day of outdoor games with another local family fell through.

We were in luck though: our cousin wanted to come and visit us for a few days!  In return, Ashley went to NY for a short visit with our cousins.

For today's clip I'm sharing the day's game, which could loosely be called, "Table Laps".  It's an old game in our home, but it was new to our long-legged cousin.  She picked it up very quickly and turned it around on the boys!  It was fun to watch!

Also on tap that week were lanyard/gimp crafts:

And a beautiful string art project.

While most of the week's activities weren't on our planner, they sure did keep us busy!

Monday, October 26, 2020

Camp Mystic Lake: ABC's of Camping

The first week of August brought us "The ABC's of Camping".

Item #1 on the agenda? Learn how to pitch a tent:

Item #2 on the agenda was for MLM and MLD: use the outdoor stove for the first time and see what's possible. According to MLUE, this is likely a direct smoker built along the style of Carolina smokers.

A bit of background first: this stove came with the house.  It's old.  It's surrounded by trees.  It hadn't rained in weeks. It was windy.  On the plus side, we had the firebox re-built when we moved in.  Nine years ago.  Never did check out that flue, though.  Important part was to be brave!

Ashley was waiting and ready with the hose, just in case things went south:

Turns out that Yukon Pete, done in the Candy Mountain style fondly remembered from MLM's youth, is not only possible, but irresistable to all:

By the time we were finished, the bellies were full.  The house still standing. And even though it has meat, onions, and cooked peppers, Adam not only asked for more, he asked me to make it again.

Who says miracles don't happen in the modern age?

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Camp Mystic Lake: Red, White and Blue Day

 Also known as the 4th of July, we had lots of fun celebrating this day.  We started off with a red, white and blue breakfast:

We had an outdoor cookout for dinner where the kids cooked for me...

And then we fell asleep to dreams filled with patriots and their daring exploits:

Happy (belated) 4th, America!

Saturday, October 24, 2020

Friday, October 23, 2020

Camp Mystic Lake: Rest Hour

Much like sleepaway camp, we had Rest Hour after lunch every day.  It was a time when the kids could read or play quietly.  It worked most (but not all) days.

The photo below is a rare moment indeed: Adam and Tate sitting together listening to an audiobook on Daddy's phone.

And an even rarer one:

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Camp Mystic Lake: Car Crazy Week

This week's projects were all about movement.  Here's a somewhat fuzzy shot (apologies) of Tate working on a homemade marble run:

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Camp Mystic Lake: Snoozin'

As the summer wore on, waking up every morning with reveille was getting harder for the A-team. They preferred to sleep in on the weekends, so we let them.

Mr. T, however, had other plans most weekend mornings.  

Here he is and you can see his utter contempt for being interrupted during such an important, um, viewing:

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Camp Mystic Lake: Day Trips

Even though going to camp is fun, taking day trips away from camp is also fun. In this clip, we see a clip of one of our troupe at McClennan Park.

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Camp Mystic Lake: Crystallized Rocks

Looking back, I didn't think Nature Week was going to be as photogenic as it ultimately was. Or maybe the kids were so involved in their activities that Nicole had a moment to snap some photos.  Either way more photos for you, our Loyal Readers.

Today's post covers crystallized rocks. A simple enough activity, but completely engaging:

Saturday, October 17, 2020

Camp Mystic Lake: Face Painting

 The whole point of camp is to make a mess.  Face paint clearly fits within that definition.  The kids opted to use their entire bodies as the canvas (look at legs and arms too!):