Monday, October 26, 2020

Camp Mystic Lake: ABC's of Camping

The first week of August brought us "The ABC's of Camping".

Item #1 on the agenda? Learn how to pitch a tent:

Item #2 on the agenda was for MLM and MLD: use the outdoor stove for the first time and see what's possible. According to MLUE, this is likely a direct smoker built along the style of Carolina smokers.

A bit of background first: this stove came with the house.  It's old.  It's surrounded by trees.  It hadn't rained in weeks. It was windy.  On the plus side, we had the firebox re-built when we moved in.  Nine years ago.  Never did check out that flue, though.  Important part was to be brave!

Ashley was waiting and ready with the hose, just in case things went south:

Turns out that Yukon Pete, done in the Candy Mountain style fondly remembered from MLM's youth, is not only possible, but irresistable to all:

By the time we were finished, the bellies were full.  The house still standing. And even though it has meat, onions, and cooked peppers, Adam not only asked for more, he asked me to make it again.

Who says miracles don't happen in the modern age?

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