Thursday, October 8, 2020

Camp Mystic Lake: Part One "The Line Up"

 Yes fall is arriving, but those who know us well have been monitoring these pages patiently to see posts from our summer exploits at Camp Mystic Lake.  Your wait is over!  The next few days will be dedicated to sharing our experiences at camp.

The Pandemic of 2020 cancelled camp as we know it, so MLM created camp as she remembered it in our own backyard, complete with morning reveille, bunk inspections, canteen every night and when we had enough energy, taps at night.  We had theme weeks, funny days, and special trips.  

Today we're going to share our first morning with reveille.  This particular clip is on the long side, so please bear with us.  Twelve weeks later (way longer than any day- or sleepaway camp that I know of), we had it down to a science!

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