Saturday, July 24, 2021


 December brings its own fun:  snow, holiday gifts, winter vacation... I could keep going.  Or I could roll the photos!

A rare moment of sharing

New micro lego set

Snow angels at school

Boone cap - still a favorite!

Preparing for Nerf Battle

True definition of a "happy meal"

Mr T creates a dreidel light

MLM's home office - loaded with finish samples for the office

hot cocoa bombs - gift from someone who knows us well

Check out this curly girl!

We all received matching PJs for Christmas - Elena, our AP did too!

First attempt at true sourdough bread

Last campfire of 2020

No one was particularly sad to see 2020 come to an end.  Despite all of the changes it forced into our lives, there were some positive moments: no running around like crazy, no commuting, more time with family for the important stuff on the weekends.  We were lucky to have experienced the pandemic in that light.

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