Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Sweeping Intro

 Hello loyal fans,

It's been far too long since I've had a chance to post.  Work, COVID-19, blah, blah, excuse, blah, whatever.  Here I am and I'll try to make up for some lost time.  

This is one particular clip from fall 2020 that reminded me of my young days helping out at The Store.  Those who know my family know what I mean by The Store.  From a very early age we were handed a broom.  While I'm not sure that we were terribly helpful, eventually we caught on and were of some use.  Either way, it was a "Sweeping Intro" both to work and to life, much like this clip.

Hold on to yer hats, folks.  This is going to be a fast and wild ride!

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