Sunday, March 25, 2018

Tumblin' Trio

I don't know how he learned to do this at such a young age, but he did.  Makes me laugh remembering how, just a short while ago, Ashley needed some help with the same skills:

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Guess Who?

Guess who is in this drawing?

OK, I'll give you two hints:


Friday, March 23, 2018

Hands on Learning

Laura takes Tate on wonderful trips to the Museum of Science.  Along the way, she snaps some beautiful (and easily captionable!) photos:

Shh!  Don't tell Adam and Ashley we're having fun while they're in school!

Oh... these are way bigger than the ones we have at home.

The world through Laura's eyes ;)

Boo!  We scared you!

That dude is too big.  I'm not going near it.

Whee!  Why don't we have one of these in the basement?

Checking to see if this guy has brushed his teeth?

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Dental Hygiene

Dental hygiene is very important in our home.  Tate, who is starting to tell everyone what to do and when to do it, is convinced that MLD isn't able to brush his teeth by himself.

Wednesday, March 21, 2018


When MLM takes the kids to gymnastic, she blogs or works remotely.  MLD is a much more enthusiastic guest.  He whips out the camera and records everything!

Ashley was here too.  Perhaps one day she'll forgive MLD.  MLD thought he pressed the "start" button at the beginning of Ashley's routine... but didn't.  We'll catch her tumbling next time.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Three Generations

Look closely in this photo and you will see three generations.

Ah, but you'll say, I see Adam and Ashley.  One generation, no?

And I'll tell you to look again.

Ashley's hat was knit by Great Grandma Anne and used by me when I was about 10 years old.  Grandma Carole gave it to Ashley to use this winter.  Grandma Carole's quick knitting needles whipped up Adam's hat, complete with requisite race car.  And I crocheted Adam's red scarf, which is kinda hard to see against his jacket.  And there's your three generations.

All I can say is that worsted weight acrylic (the mauve hat) wears like iron!

Monday, March 19, 2018

6 Years and Up

There's a reason why the manufacturer recommends this toy for kids ages 6+

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Race Track of Dreams

Because he won't often pose for photos, I'm opting to share Adam's artwork with you instead.  In today's scene, we have two very different race cars pitted against one another in a dead heat.  Who will cross the finish line first?

And if you listen closely, you can hear the cheers from the crowds in the stands.

I strongly suspect this is a throw down between a 1976 Corvette Stingray and a 1939 Hudson 112.  And if I know my boy, he's pulling for the Hudson.

1939 Hudson 112. 
In 1938 it was used as the pace car at Indianapolis. 

1976 Corvette Stingray

Saturday, March 17, 2018

Friday, March 16, 2018

Thursday, March 15, 2018

March of the Penguins

What I love about the kids' preschool is that not only do the kids have fun, but the teachers must find these activities highly entertaining too.  Here Tate is participating in a "March of the Penguins".

Our little penguin with the mask he made.

Penguins on the march!

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Nashoba Valley

Took the kids out to Nashoba Valley to try their hand at Massachusetts-style skiing.  What does that mean?  Usually it means more ice and less snow.  But our two skiers handled it with grace and style:

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Animal Adventures

While Adam and Ashley were busy one morning (tomorrow's post), Tate and I visited the Animal Adventure in Bolton, MA.  It's a small, family-run zoo that hosts a wide, and I mean wide, variety of creatures.

See?  From here I'm taller than the mini-pony!

Hmmm.  Can't seem to find the alligator (he was inside).

Monday, March 12, 2018

Distant Memory

You can always tell I'm behind in my posts because today's entry is now a distant memory:  the 2018 Super Bowl.  Yes, the Pats lost, but not because our fans lost heart.

The kids prepped the room with plenty of decorations:

I forgot to tell Ashley that the Red Sox are a different sport altogether.

Adam likes to mix racing and the Sox with his football decorations.

Normally Ashley is right:  "Brady rul[e]s!" and "Gronk is cool too!"  Where do they hear this stuff?

Adam built a football stadium for us complete with stands, end zones and a football in a tight spiral (look closely!)
Once the stage was set, we got down to business:

There was one good outcome of the entire evening:  by going to bed at their regular-ish time, the kids didn't suffer the agony of defeat along with the entire Patriots nation.

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Look Alike

So many things could be said about this comparison.  The one I prefer?  "I married a masterpiece."

Saturday, March 10, 2018

Controlled Chaos

Sometimes I like to share posts that aren't specifically about our kids.  This is what a 7-year old's Star Wars birthday, complete with light sabers, looks like and let me tell you, the A-Team had a blast!

Friday, March 9, 2018

Quick Hike

Sometimes MLM, MLD and Mr. T get away for a quick hike.  Here we are in Weston checking out a new park:

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Life Skills

Learning how to use chopsticks?  Important.

Training your father to feed you with chopsticks?


Here we are at Sizzlin' Kitchen testing out our skills.

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

To Lowell We Will Go

To Lowell we will go!
To Lowell we will go!
Heigh-ho, the derry-o,
To Lowell we will go!

A bobbin we will see!
A bobbin we will see!
Oh boy it's bigger than me!
A bobbin we will see!

A cookie we will eat!
A cookie we will eat!
We'll go to Brew'd Awakening
And a cookie we will eat!

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Mr. T's Greatest Hits

Mr. T, backed up by the talented A-Team Duo, sings all of his greatest hits:  5 Little Monkeys, Happy Birthday, and I See the Moon.  What a lucky Mommy I am!  A musical accompaniment to dinner!

Monday, March 5, 2018

Ready for School?

Tate is ready to go to school like his big sibs.  The A-Team are making sure he sets out in style:

Sunday, March 4, 2018

Adam's Fancy Ride

Car shows aren't relegated to the summer season.  No, our family can find a car show in the dead of winter!  Daddy and Adam went to see the New England Car Show.  What a fun time they had!

Saturday, March 3, 2018


The post-ski crying came to a full stop when the kids discovered that the chair in our hotel room spins around and around and around and around....

Maybe next time we'll just stay in the room and spin all day!

Friday, March 2, 2018

First Time Skiing

While Tate was zippin' through the trees with Daddy, Adam and Ashley were developing their skiing skills at Bretton Woods.  They had such a great time that they didn't want to come in at lunch time and they cried and complained when we went back to the hotel.

Here are our two daredevils in action:

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Zipline Adventure

When there's an Arctic cold snap in the air, is there anything better to do than zipline?  Nope!  That's the place for Tate to be!

The alert readers out there are probably wondering... where are Adam and Ashley?  Tune in tomorrow for the exciting conclusion!