Sunday, March 25, 2018

Tumblin' Trio

I don't know how he learned to do this at such a young age, but he did.  Makes me laugh remembering how, just a short while ago, Ashley needed some help with the same skills:

1 comment:

  1. Hello,

    nice to meet you! My name is Ferré Marine and I am part of the au pair cultural care program.
    It's not always easy to go for a somersault, isn't it ?! That said, I'm not sure I'll do much better! :)
    I just saw your request for contact because I had not received (or I deleted by mistake, this is perfectly possible) mail informing me of it.
    I'm just contacting you to apologize for my lack of response. (No special request, but I find it more polite to apologize to you.)

    I wish you a good day and good luck in finding your new au pair!
    Bye and good luck to the children for their next trip! :)
