Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Three Generations

Look closely in this photo and you will see three generations.

Ah, but you'll say, I see Adam and Ashley.  One generation, no?

And I'll tell you to look again.

Ashley's hat was knit by Great Grandma Anne and used by me when I was about 10 years old.  Grandma Carole gave it to Ashley to use this winter.  Grandma Carole's quick knitting needles whipped up Adam's hat, complete with requisite race car.  And I crocheted Adam's red scarf, which is kinda hard to see against his jacket.  And there's your three generations.

All I can say is that worsted weight acrylic (the mauve hat) wears like iron!

1 comment:

  1. Great to see the historical items again! I wear a peach beanie to walk the dog that I made in junior high school. Looks like the day I knit it.
