Monday, March 12, 2018

Distant Memory

You can always tell I'm behind in my posts because today's entry is now a distant memory:  the 2018 Super Bowl.  Yes, the Pats lost, but not because our fans lost heart.

The kids prepped the room with plenty of decorations:

I forgot to tell Ashley that the Red Sox are a different sport altogether.

Adam likes to mix racing and the Sox with his football decorations.

Normally Ashley is right:  "Brady rul[e]s!" and "Gronk is cool too!"  Where do they hear this stuff?

Adam built a football stadium for us complete with stands, end zones and a football in a tight spiral (look closely!)
Once the stage was set, we got down to business:

There was one good outcome of the entire evening:  by going to bed at their regular-ish time, the kids didn't suffer the agony of defeat along with the entire Patriots nation.

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